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Borage - Borago officinalis – il-Fidloqqom

The Borage is a very common annual herb native to the Maltese Islands and the wider Mediterranean region. It grows to a general height of 60 - 100 cm. long and contains several bristles and hairs along the stem and leaves. Alternate and simple, the leaves are 5 - 15 cm. long and 3 - 8 cm. wide.

Bear’s Breeches – Acanthus mollis – il-Ħannewija

Bear’s breeches is a common herbaceous perennial plant found in the Maltese Islands. It is native to the Mediterranean region stretching from Portugal to northwest Africa and east to Croatia. It is one of the earliest cultivated (rhizomatous) plants. It has also been used in certain architectural and furniture decorative styles.

Sardinian Warbler – Sylvia melanocephala – il-Bufula Sewda

The Sardinian Warbler is a very abundant bird species across the Maltese islands, 13 cm. long and weighing about 1.2 – 2.5 g. Like most bird species, males and females display distinct plumages which tend to change during breeding and non-breeding seasons.

Narrow-leaved Ash – Fraxinus angustifolia – il-Fraxxnu

The Narrow-leaved Ash is a fast growing, light demanding tree indigenous to the Maltese islands. Its natural distribution is the Mediterranean region: stretching from central-southern Europe to northwest Africa and the Caucasus region to the east.

Red swamp crayfish – Procambarus clarkii – iċ-Ċkala l-ħamra tal-Ilma ħelu

An extremely problematic invasive alien species at Chadwick lakes is the Red swamp crayfish. It is indigenous to southern America and northern Mexico. It is typically dark red in colour, with long claws and bright red bumps along the front and sides of the first pair of legs.

Great Reed – Arundo donax – il-Qasba l-kbira

The Giant reed is an extremely abundant invasive species present at Chadwick lakes; this tall perennial cane grows to 6 m in height, possibly 10 m in ideal conditions. It is indigenous to Asia however over centuries has been introduced to every continent where it has become naturalised and invasive in many regions.

Spanish Sparrow – Passer hispaniolensis – l-Għammiel tal-bejt

The Spanish Sparrow is the commonest resident bird in the Maltese Islands. Strongly gregarious, it can be found both in rural and urban environment, and can be seen in flocks especially after the breeding season is over. The recorded maximum age of a Spanish Sparrow is 11 years.

Painted frog – Discoglossus pictus pictus – Iż-Żrinġ

The Painted frog is the only amphibian found in the Maltese Islands, also found in Sicily and in African countries bordering the Mediterranean. Its population at Chadwick Lakes is the largest in the Maltese Islands, though it can also be found in Buskett, in Gozo, and in many a man-made cisterns.

Castor Oil tree – Ricinus communis – ir-Riġnu

A very common invasive species at Chadwick lakes is the Castor Oil tree, indigenous to Africa, a fast-growing perennial flowering 4 m shrub which can grow to a small 12 m. tree.

White Poplar – Populus alba – il-Luq

The white poplar is a fast growing indigenous tree in the Maltese islands, growing mainly in valleys. It loves ample moisture and abundant light, though it tolerates some drought.

White Willow – Salix alba – Iż-Żafsafa l-kbira

The White willow is an indigenous tree found at Chadwick Lakes. The scientific name Salix implies that it grows along water banks. Its trunk is greyish-brown, and can reach a height of 10 – 30 m. It develops deep fissures with age.

Mediterranean Willow – Salix pedicellata – iż-Żafsafa ż-żgħira

It is a very rare species, and in 2002, through voluntary efforts, cuttings were taken from native growing trees at Imtaħleb, and planted at Chadwick Lakes, where today they grow adjacent to the White Willow.

Cetti’s Warbler - Cettia cetti – Il-bagħal tal-Għollieq

Walking along Chadwick Lakes one is bound to hear a sharp unmistakable explosive far-reaching strophes of the Cetti’s warbler’s song: short bursts lasting for about five seconds. The singer is well hidden in dense vegetation, and its song can be heard throughout the year except during July and August: the moulting season.

European Robin - Erithacus rubecula - Pitiross

A bird which can easily be seen during a walk along Chadwick lakes, especially from September to April, is the Robin. The Robin is a common migratory species and some also winters in the Maltese islands, although some do spend the summer, mostly in valleys and near the presence of water.

White Wagtail - Motacilla alba - iz-zakak abjad

Chadwick lakes is a good place to see the White Wagtail. This is an insectivorous bird of open country, though it is also seen close to habitations and water. It can be seen searching for worms and insects in open spaces, especially close to farmhouses close to heaps of animal dung.

Caper Bush - Capparis orientalis – Kappar

Caper is a perennial, very common indigenous plant which can encountered at Chadwick Lakes. This is a many-benched sprawling greyish shrubby plant, with thick, shiny, round to ovate leaves growing alternately on a drooping or arched stalk.

Blue hound’s tongue - Cynoglossum creticum – Ilsien il-kelb

The Blue hound’s tongue is a biennial herb native to the Maltese Islands and to a wider Mediterranean region. It grows to 60 cm in height displaying green stems densely covered with fine hair. This adaptation helps the plant to deter herbivores from feeding on it.

Blue-leaved Acacia - Acacia saline - Akaċja

The Blue-leaved Acacia is a fast growing and drought tolerant tree native to South-western and Western Australia. This tree has been widely planted in dry lands across all continents, especially around the Mediterranean basin.

Common Elder - Sambucus nigra – Is-Sebuqa l-kbira

The Common Elder is a deciduous large shrub or small tree characterised by the large white scented flower clusters and the dark purple-black berries. The distribution of this tree stretches from the Mediterranean region all the way to central and western Europe.

Evergreen Holm Oak - Quercus ilex – Il-balluta

The Evergreen Holm Oak is a large broadleaved tree native to the central and western Mediterranean basin, where it represents the dominant species in woodlands and maquis vegetation.

Southern Cat-tail - Typha domingensis - Buda

The Southern Cat-tail is a perennial herbaceous aquatic plant found throughout the temperate and tropical regions worldwide inhabiting many wetland community types.

Watercress - Nasturtium officinale – Krexxuni

Watercress is an aquatic flowering plant from the cabbage family. Native to Europe and Asia it is a rapid coloniser of stream, waterway and marshland habitats.

Bramble - Rubus ulmifolius – L-Għollieq

The bramble is a common spiny brambly shrub which can reach a height of about 3 m. It prefers moist soil, and can grow in full shaded, semi-shade, or no shade at all, and thus can be found growing in forests.

Seven-spot Ladybird - Coccinella septempunctata - Nannakola tas-Seba’ Tikki

The seven-spot ladybird is an insect belong to the beetle order. It has a body length of 7.6 to 10 mm, with distinctive orange-red front wing covers. These protect the two hindwings beneath, and sport the characteristic seven black spots.

Friar’s Cowl - Arisarum vulgare – Il-Garni tal-pipa

Friar’s cowl is a very common plant one can find during a walk at Chadwick Lakes, found mainly in partial shaded and cool places with moist soil.

Swallowtail butterfly - Papilio machaon subsp. melitensis – il-Farfett tal-fejġel/busbież

The swallow tail butterfly is very easy to identify. It is the largest resident butterfly found in the Maltese Islands.

Carob tree - Ceratonia siliqua – Il-Ħarruba

The carob tree is also found at Chadwick Lakes in small numbers. This is an evergreen tree, growing on a large twisted trunk which is anything but smooth.

Common Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus – il-Kudirross

The common redstart is a small migratory bird which prefers woods and trees in valleys. One can meet this bird at Chadwick Lakes during its visits to our islands during the months of autumn, from September to November, and in spring from March to May.

Violet dropwing - Trithemis annulata - Vjoletta

Dragonflies start their life under water as a larva. So it is not surprising that one meets a number of dragonflies along Chadwick Lakes.

Maltese Wall Lizard - Podarcis filfolensis maltensis – il-Gremxula ta’ Malta

The Maltese wall lizard can be seen either on the ground, or basking on rocks and cracks in the wall, exposed to the sun. This is the lizard’s territory which it defends against other male lizards.

Showy balloon vine - Cardiospermum halicacabum – Tuffieħ ir-Riħ

The showy balloon vine is a herbaceous plant native to Central and South America. It is a species of disturbed ground, colonising gardens, roadsides but most favourably wetlands and riparian corridors.

Large carpenter bee - Xylocopa violacea – il-Bomblu l-iswed

The large carpenter bee is a common European bee species and among the largest in Europe having a body length of 20 to 28 mm. It’s name derives from its nesting behaviour as nearly all species burrow into deadwood or reeds to create their nest.

Vagrant hedgehog - Erinaceus algirus – il-Qanfud

The vagrant hedgehog is a mammal native to Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Malta and Spain. Despite closely resembling the European hedgehog, several distinct differences can be noted between the two species.

Western marsh harrier - Circus aeruginosus – il-Bagħdan aħmar

The western marsh harrier is large bird of prey native to Eurasia and Northern Africa. The name ‘Circus’ and ‘aeruginosus’ are derived from the Greek language and refers to the circling flight nature of the bird and the rusty colour it has.

Greater water plantain - Alisma plantago-aquatica – Il-Biżbula tal-Ilma

The greater water plantain is a perennial flowering aquatic plant native to most of Europe and Asia. It is hairless and grows in shallow water pools and streams.

Western Whip Snake - Hierophis viridiflavus – Is-Serp l-iswed

The western whip snake is a characteristic and frequent reptile across its natural range. It is present across most of southern Europe and avoids the coldest zones.

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